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RhinoCAM 2-1/2 and 3 Axes, plus RhinoCAM Nesting in English
RhinoCAM 2-1/2 and 3 axis (English)
Before starting this course, there are a few things to keep in mind ... (2:38)
(Trailer) See what the course includes in this video (4:14)
RhinoCAM license types "Types of RhinoCAM licenses" (2:21)
Download the files for this course from RhinoCAM
1- The RhinoCAM interface "Interface"
1.1 1- The RhinoCAM interface "Interface" (2:09)
2-Set the machine, the post-processor, and the direction
2.1 Set the machine, the post-processor, and the direction (3:52)
3- Create the material "Stock"
3.1 Create the material "Stock" (2:22)
4- Align the object with the "Align-Stock" materia
4.1 Align the object with the "Align-Stock" materia (2:32)
5- Create and set Rhino coordinates
5.1 Create and set Rhino coordinates (2:32)
6- What kind of material will we use "Material"
6.1 What kind of material will we use "Material" (2:13)
7- Create the material with "Part-Offset"
7.1 Create the material with "Part-Offset" (1:08)
8- Export the material as an STL "Export-STL"
8.1 Export the material as an STL "Export-STL" (0:51)
9- How to delete the "Delete-Stock" material
9.1 How to delete the "Delete-Stock" material (0:39)
10- Set the origin 0,0,0 in the CNC machine "WorkZero-Home"
10.1 Set the origin 0,0,0 in the CNC machine "WorkZero-Home" (2:10)
10.2 Precautions for finding the 0,0,0 "Zero-Home" in a CNC Machine. (10:58)
11- Loading the speeds from the RhinoCAM library
11.1 Loading the speeds from the RhinoCAM library (3:07)
11.2 Create a tool library "Tools-Library" (6:49)
11.3 Download the basic tool libraries for this course:
11.4 Simple, but useful Feed-Speed calculator
12- Drill holes "Drill-Holes"
12.0 Make a drilling tool and save it. (2:31)
12.1 Drill holes "Drill-Holes" (5:59)
13- Understand and edit colors "Preferences-Colors"
13.1 Understand and edit colors "Preferences-Colors" (7:18)
14- Pocketing Holes made by a definition of Grasshopper3D
14.1 Pocketing Holes made by a definition of Grasshopper3D (5:27)
15- Profiles and cavities "Profiling"
15.1 Profiles and cavities "Profiling" (4:03)
16- Grind non-planar surfaces "Facing"
16.1 Grind non-planar surfaces "Facing" (7:46)
16.2 Short video showing how to planar a surface with the CNC (1:01)
17- Pocketing
17.1 Pocketing (7:14)
18- Engraving
18.1 Engraving (6:05)
19- 3D-Engraving
19.1 3D-Engraving (3:57)
20- Roughing a 3D Model
20.1 Roughing a 3D Model (5:51)
20.2 Short video of the CNC making the roughing (1:46)
21- 3D Parallel Finish "Parallel Finish"
21.1 3D Parallel Finish "Parallel Finish" (2:44)
21.2 Short video of the CNC making the parallel finishing (1:25)
22- 3D Parallel Finish by Region
22.1 3D Parallel Finish by Region (6:25)
23- 3D Horizontal-Finish
23.1 3D Horizontal-Finish (7:18)
24- Bridges
24.1 Create your own 3D bridges (7:53)
24.2 Bridges made by RhinoCAM (4:58)
24.3 Manually create and place your Bridges (6:09)
25- 3D Demo, machining the 3D Rhino head
25.1 3D Demo, machining the 3D Rhino head (17:35)
26- Shop information
26.1 Shop information (4:24)
27- Detect and view interferences "Interferences"
27.1 Detect and view interferences "Interferences" (4:15)
27.2 Detect fixtures in RhinoCAM 2021 (2:46)
28- Machining a bottle from both sides in 3D (First Idea !)
28.1 Machining a bottle from both sides in 3D (28:50)
29- Create and recognize different processes automatically "Features"
29.1 Create and recognize different processes automatically "Features" (7:26)
30- Extra bonus with RhinoCAM
30.1 Try to create all the steps = MO = Machine Operations, in this short video in order to machine a 3D Leaf (5:04)
30.2 Machining a 3D bottle from both sides in 3D (Second Idea !) (24:18)
30.3 The Draft Angle command (1:56)
31 - RhinoCAM Nesting in five easy steps!
31.1 ( Step #1 ) Types of nesting, rectangular or true shapes. (1:47)
31.2 ( Step #2 ) Open the 3DM file with your sheet and all the partes to be nested. (1:39)
31.3 ( Step #3 ) Select the Sheets to nest your parts inside. (2:43)
31.4 ( Step #4 ) Select parts to nest. (3:15)
31.5 ( Step #5 ) Set all the parameters for your nesting. (4:57)
31.6 Let use True Shape Nesting (7:54)
31.7 Tag nested curves automatically (3:34)
31.8 How to unroll from 3D to 2D a furniture cabinet and nest it. (4:07)
31.9 Set the Grain Direction (5:57)
31.10 A simple exercise with Grasshopper and RhinoCAM Nesting (5:07)
31.11 The end of this course ...
6.1 What kind of material will we use "Material"
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