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Coding Rhino Geometry Using C# in Grasshopper (Tax Included)
Introduction to the course
0.1.About this course (1:35)
0.2.Quizzes and Assignments
0.4.What is RhinoCommon? (3:17)
0.5.Grasshopper C# Script Editor (10:09)
0.6.Rhino7 vs. Rhino8 Script Editors (3:55)
0.7.Introduction - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 1: Introduction to C#
1.1.Data Types (3:55)
1.2.Variables (3:06)
1.3.Type Conversion (4:45)
1.4.Operators (4:17)
1.5.Lists (2:11)
1.6.Lists Operations (2:26)
1.7.Arrays (1:29)
1.8.Arrays Operations (3:05)
1.9.Mutable vs. Immutable Data (3:27)
1.10.Comments in C# (0:58)
1.11.Chapter 1 - Applications (10:47)
1.12.Quiz 1
1.13.Chapter 1 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 2: OOP - The Way to Understand RhinoCommon
2.1.What is Object Oriented Programming? (1:42)
2.2.Classes (1:06)
2.3.Classes Fields (0:41)
2.4.Classes Constructors and Methods (3:06)
2.5.Creating Objects (1:41)
2.6.Static Methods - Factory Design Pattern (1:16)
2.7.Classes vs. Structs vs. Enums (2:45)
2.8.Inheritance (1:49)
2.9.Variable Scope (1:18)
2.10.RhinoCommon Geometry Namespace (13:54)
2.11.Functions (2:15)
2.12.Quiz 2
2.13.Chapter 2 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 3: Conditional Statements
3.1.if-else Statement (1:51)
3.2.Using Logical Operators (1:01)
3.3.Switch-Case Statement (0:59)
3.4.Conditional Operator a ? b : c (CSharp) (1:35)
3.5. Conditional Statements Application (4:34)
3.6.Quiz 3
3.7.Chapter 3 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 4: Iterations
4.1.for Loops (5:46)
4.2.while Loops (3:39) Loops (2:59)
4.4.foreach Loops (4:42)
4.5.Nested Loops (4:47)
4.6.Loops Control Statements (6:31)
4.7.Quiz 4
4.8.Chapter 4 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 5: Math and Random Modules
5.1.Math Module in C# (3:18)
5.2.Random Module in C# (3:40)
5.3.Quiz 5
5.4.Chapter 5 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 6: Continuous Execution
6.1.Continuous Execution with the C# Script Component (0:41)
6.2.Example: Animating a Moving Point Using the Random Class (2:34)
6.3.Example: Animating a Moving Point Using a Global Variable (5:01)
6.4.Quiz 6
6.5.Assignment 1 (0:10)
6.6.Chapter 6 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 7: Rhino.Geometry Namespace - Primitives
7.1.Rhino.Geometry Namespace Objects (0:38)
7.2.Point3d Struct (5:30)
7.3.Vector3d Struct (9:04)
7.4.Plane Struct (8:16)
7.5.Interval Struct (2:35)
7.6.Line Struct (8:45)
7.7.Box Struct (10:00)
7.8.Sphere Struct (6:49)
7.9.Polyline Class (7:39)
7.10.Rectangle3d and Triangle3d Structs (10:08)
7.11.Circle and Arc Structs (6:58)
7.12.Quiz 7
7.13.Chapter 7 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 8: Rhino.Geometry Namespace – Curves and Surfaces
8.1.Curve Class (18:09)
8.2.Curve Class Applications (8:35)
8.3.LineCurve, PolylineCurve, and ArcCurve Classes (5:15)
8.4.NurbsCurve Class (4:54)
8.5.NurbsCurve Class - Applications (5:33)
8.6.Surface Class (7:50)
8.7.Surface Class - Applications (5:46)
8.8.NurbsSurface Class (3:30)
8.9.NurbsSurface Class Applications (6:09)
8.10.Brep Class (13:05)
8.11.Brep Class Applications (17:56)
8.12.Quiz 8
8.13.Assignment 2
8.14.Chapter 8 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 9: Transforming and Intersecting Geometries
9.1.Geometry Transformation - Transform Struct (5:16)
9.2.Geometry Transformation - Transform Struct Applications (7:03)
9.3.Intersection Class (16:49)
9.4.IntersectionEvent Class (1:27)
9.5.Intersect Namespace Enums (5:04)
9.6.Example: Intersecting a Line and a Box (5:58)
9.7.Example: Intersecting a Plane and a Circle (3:51)
9.8.Example: Intersecting a Curve and a Brep (3:29)
9.11.Quiz 9
9.12.Assignment 3
9.13.Chapter 9 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 10: Working with Data Trees
10.1.Introduction to Grasshopper SDK (1:41)
10.2.Creating a New Data Tree (2:26)
10.3.Creating a New Path (2:29)
10.4.Adding Data to a Specific Path (3:34)
10.5.Flattening and Grafting Trees (3:29)
10.6.Merging and Pruning Trees (5:14)
10.7.Useful Data Trees Operations (5:07)
10.8.Quiz 10
10.9.Chapter 10 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
Chapter 11: General Geometry Coding Examples
11.1.Generating Random Boxes (6:36)
11.2.Generating Lofted Surface - Part 1 (7:21)
11.3.Generating Lofted Surface - Part 2 (4:32)
11.4.Generating Lofted Surface - Part 3 (8:18)
11.5.Generating a Patterned Surface - Part 1 (1:38)
11.6.Generating a Patterned Surface - Part 2 (6:02)
11.7.Generating a Patterned Surface - Part 3 (8:13)
11.8.Final Project
11.9.Chapter 11 - Q&A (CSharpGH)
What's Next?
12.1.Wrapping Up (1:59)
12.2.Next... (0:32)
12.3.Conclusion Q&A (CSharpGH)
6.5.Assignment 1
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