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2D Technical Drafting with Rhino3D 7 and 8 (Tax included)
1 - Before you start
1.1 Few simple rules to follow during this course (Google Chrome) (2:38)
1.2 Make sure you do have Rhino 7 before you take this course
1.3 Recognize these icons during this course
1.4 The interface of Rhino (5:25)
1.4 (a) ... [Rhino 8+] Switch in between a White or Black interface (3:24)
1.4 (b) ...[Rhino 8+] Vertical & horizontal panels + extend the screen (2:25)
1.5 How to enter commands (4:19)
1.6 Units, template units, and learn how change units (2:43)
1.7 Help!!! Where to find it and the F1 key. (2:14)
1.8 Few things about toolbars and the MRU [Last used buttons] (6:17)
1.9 Undo, your best friend from now on... (2:36)
1.10 [Rhino 8=] The interface of Rhino for Windows and for Mac (0:47)
1.10 Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
2 - How to select objects in Rhino
2.1 Open the 3D_Tun_Tun_Plastic_Parts.3DM and learn how to select and deselect objects (4:17)
2.2 Selecting using a window or crossing (2:35)
2.2 ...(a) [Rhino 8+] Rectangular region selection (0:49)
2.3 Change the Popup list menu and the Popup toolbar (4:54)
2.4 Get used to work with filters (7:00)
2.5 Explore new ways to select objects in Rhino 7 (4:50)
2.6 Groups (3:51)
2.6 (a) ... [Rhino 8+] Ungroup all selected objects (1:21)
2.7 The visibility toolbar and the command Isolate Objects (4:39)
2.8 Quiz
2.9 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
3 - Before we start drawing curves, let us go over a few of them with precision.
3.1 Working with Points (5:26)
3.2 Line, line segments, polyline, a line from midpoint, a line normal and vertical to CPlane (8:04)
3.3 Arcs, Circles, Ellipses, and the Elevator Mode! (9:15)
3.4 Rectangle and polygons. (6:02)
3.5 The Permanent Osnaps and the one time only Osnaps (13:49)
3.6 Construction planes (CPlanes - Protractor) and the named cplanes panel. (10:42)
3.6 (a) ...[Rhino 8+] Auto CPlane [Construction Plane] (3:09)
3.7 Add and delete guide-lines (2:22)
3.8 Absolute, relative, and polar coordinates (9:41)
3.8 (a) ... Different ways to enter numbers in the Metric and Imperial Units (6:58)
3.9 Exercise or homework
3.10 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
4 - The Gumball
4.1 Where the Gumball is located, its toolbar, and turn it on and off (1:16)
4.2 Move, scale, and copy objects with the Gumball (5:48)
4.3 Rotate with the Gumball and relocate the Gumball [ Pivot ] (3:48)
4.4 Align the Gumball (2:02)
4.5 Exercise or homework (2:31)
4.6 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
4.6 [Rhino 8+] Relocate the origen of the Gumball [ Pivot ] (0:35)
4.7 [Rhino 8+] Solid extrude or open extrude with the Gumball (1:04)
4.8 [Rhino 8+] Cut or boss with the Gumball (3:09)
4.9 [Rhino 8+] Inset and PushPull (4:35)
4.10 [Rhino 8+] Model this small 3D house using mostly the Gumball (8:05)
5 - Edit curves
5.1 Trim and Split (4:37)
5.2 Fillet and chamfer (4:06)
5.3 Offset and offset multiple (4:34)
5.3 (a) ...[Rhino 8+] Offset and create multiple closed regions (1:10)
5.4 2D Boolean curves (4:27)
5.5 Sub-Curve (1:48)
5.6 Connect (1:37)
5.7 4.5 Homework
5.8 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
6 - Layers
6.1 Let's make few layers and group some of them (6:29)
6.2 Turn on, off, lock layers, and copy objects to layers (9:45)
6.3 The Filters (4:14)
6.3 (a) ...[Rhino 8 +] Search layers and arrange them more easily (1:32)
6.3 (b) ...[Rhino 8+] Another way to organize your layers and more! (3:17)
6.4 Stage Manager (3:46)
6.5 Display line types on and off [ LinetypeDisplay ] and create a new one (3:57)
6.6 Print width, do not print, and [ PrintDisplay ] (6:02)
6.7 SetLinetypeScale (1:57)
6.7 (a) ...[Rhino 8+] Linetypes (2:31)
6.7 (b) ...[Rhino 8+] Style of lines (5:01)
6.7 (c) ...[Rhino 8+] SetCustomLinetype and SetLinetype (3:04)
6.7 (d) ...[Rhino 8+] Extract line type segments (1:08)
6.8 Exercise or homework
6.9 [Rhino 8+] Highlight object layer (0:39)
6.10 [Rhino 8+] Layer Section Style [ More on 9.5 (b) ] (1:36)
6.11 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
7 - Tuneup Rhino with documents and rhino options
7.1 The grid (4:24)
7.2 The Hatch, Gradient Hatch, Hatch Base and Hatch Scaling (12:38)
7.2 (a)... Let us hatch this floor plan (7:48)
7.3 Files and how to add a path (4:33)
7.4 Display modes (6:01)
7.4 (a) ...[Rhino 8+] New Monochrome render mode (1:14)
7.5 Cursor tooltips (1:23)
7.6 Modeling aids with nudge (2:53)
7.7 Homework
7.8 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
8 - Precision and inspection modeling
8.1 The Tab key (Lock Dir) (3:38)
8.2 Distance and angle constraints entry (2:17)
8.3 Point filters (1:35)
8.4 Evaluate a point, length, and distance (5:10)
8.5 Angle, Diameter, and Radius (3:20)
8.6 Bounding box, area, and volume (5:45)
8.7 Smartrack (6:24)
8.7 (a) ...[Rhino 8+] Ortho - Snap to Z Plane (2:32)
8.8 Explode and join (3:34)
8.9 Zoom 1:1 and Zoom1To1Calibrate (4:41)
8.10 Trace and scale 1 to 1 (4:11)
8.11 Exercise or homework
8.12 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
9 - Curve from objects
9.1 Duplicate edge and border (3:27)
9.2 Object intersection (2:16)
9.3 Section and contour (3:41)
9.4 Make 2D drawings (3:53)
9.5 ...... [Rhino 8+] Clipping Section Creation (3:42)
9.5 (a) ...[Rhino 8+] Create clipping section drawings (2:29)
9.5 (b) ...[Rhino 8+] Extract clipping sections and slices (2:57)
9.5 (c) ...[Rhino 8+] Nested clipping drawings (4:36)
9.5 (d) ...[Rhino 8+] Turn on history and make a few edits to the clipping planes (2:03)
9.5 ISO or DIN standards [ First or Third angle projection]
9.6 ...[Rhino 8+] JoinCopy (1:19)
9.6 (a) ... Homework
9.7 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
10 - Dimensions and annotations
10.1 Annotation dot (5:59)
10.2 Add or remove arrow head on a curve (1:42)
10.3 Create a text block or single line of text (13:55)
10.3 (a) ... Draw a simple title block with Atributes (10:40)
10.3 (b) ... How to check your Spelling (3:12)
10.4 Select a Dimension style and set current dimension style (5:30)
10.5 Create a new Dimension styles and edit them in millimeters or meters (9:47)
10.6 Create a new Dimension style in Inches (Imperial) (4:06)
10.6 (a) ... A new Dimension style in Feet-Inches-Architectural (11:14)
10.7 Horizontal and vertical dimension (9:10)
10.7 (a)... Linear dimension (Both Horizontal and Vertical at the same time) (1:57)
10.8 Radial and diameter dimension (4:32)
10.9 Angle, rotated, and aligned dimension (3:08)
10.10 Ordinate dimension (9:53)
10.11 Recenter dimensions and find and replace text (3:26)
10.12 Revision cloud, Leader annotation, and Center mark (5:00)
10.13 Draw order or display order and match (3:54)
10.14 (a) ... Exercise: Draw and dimension a 2D Bracket in inches (12:16)
10.14 (b) ... Exercise: Draw and dimension a Face Plate in MM (9:55)
10.14 (c) ... Exercise: Dimension this one-bedroom apartment (10:13)
10.15 (a) ...How to calculate the size of the Page = Sheet in Model Space base on the scale you want to print (8:39)
10.15 (b) ... Calculate the size of the Page in Model Space for 1/4" = 1' (8:55)
10.15 (c) ... Print to scale 1:25, 1:50, and 1:100 in the Metric system (6:02)
10.16 Change from the Metric Dimensions to the Imperial Dimensions (Change Annotations Styles) (2:36)
10.17 Big surprise in Rhino 7! (4:30)
10.18 Homework!
10.19 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
11 - Layouts [ Paper Space - Model Space - Sheets etc. ]
11.0 What is the Page Layout and a Detail View (Overview) (5:41)
11.1 How to make a new layout or page layout (3:11)
11.2 Make 4 new layout details (6:18)
11.3 Add a new detail view (3:25)
11.4 Layout properties and change the default color of the background (2:02)
11.5 Hide and show objects in detail (4:11)
11.05 (a) ... Let us optimice hiding objects (4:35)
11.6 Hide and show layers in detail (2:06)
11.6 (a) ...[Rhino8+] Layout On or off layers in details views (3:39)
11.6 (b) ...[Rhino8+] New Detail on (3:25)
11.7 How to lock a detail view (2:26)
11.8 Scale each layout detail window (6:31)
11.9 Toggle annotation scaling and hatch scaling (9:58)
11.10 Add clipping planes in Model Space and in a Detail View (8:09)
11.10 (a) ... Exercise # Make a Page Layout using a clipping plane (9:31)
11.11 Viewport tab control, layout panel, and LayoutTab=Combined (4:55)
11.12 Print --> Destination of the printout (4:24)
11.13 Print --> View and output scale (8:41)
11.14 Print --> LineTypes and Line Widths (6:20)
11.15 Print --> Visibility (2:54)
11.16 Lens length, Isometric Views, and Projection (4:29)
11.17 Named views and named positions (3:50)
11.18 (a) ... Exercise (a) Print from the Page Layout Scale: [1/4" is equal to a Foot] (10:25)
11.18 (b) ... Exercise (b): Draw a Page Layout Template to reuse (6:39)
11.19 (2D-ENG) Question and Answers: [ Q & A ]
3.2 Line, line segments, polyline, a line from midpoint, a line normal and vertical to CPlane
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